It is even an alternative communication resource for people with difficult verbal expression. The Inclusive application was designed with the core vocabulary, motor planning and functional communication principles to be used in interactive contexts, be it family, social, clinical or educational. The child, young person or adult touches the symbol (word + image) and it is spoken aloud. By touching various symbols, they can be combined into one sentence, which can also be read completely. The application offers a combination of pre-set symbols and folders for user facilitation, but in addition to these, the application has a bank of 14,000 images to customize the symbols available to the user and the constant expansion of their vocabulary. There is also the keyboard option, in which words and phrases can be typed and spoken aloud. Inclusivo is a communication tool that helps and / or enables children, youth and adults to make requests, comments and express ideas, from the simplest to the most complex, promoting their participation in society.Video submission: app and all its features respond better to Android devices with OS 7 and higher settings.